ED, 2014, A Portrait of a Young Man, acrylic on mylar, 24x37
John hopped into the front door and started his way
upstairs. “Hi, John!” Mrs. Mom said. “Oh, hi, Mrs. Mom! I came to see Evan.”
“It’s ok but you may have to wake him up.” “Oh he knows that I am coming.”
“Good, come every afternoon, then…”
A minute later John hopped downstairs making his way towards
the front door. “Hey, John, how are you doing?” “I am doing good, Mrs. Mom,”
John answered a bit nervously. “What school are you at?” “John Hopkins.” He
looked handsome and clean in his sky-blue polo and snow-white shorts. “How is
everything on this end?” he asked loosing his tone and sticking a little
package into his pocket. The host of ghosts swirled around Mrs. Mom’s head. “We
are doing great, John,” she smiled and nodded her head.