Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Know Your Audience

ED, 2011, Dancing Couple, acrylic on canvas,30X34

I don’t know you

Who are you?

The advice goes, know your audience, but I don’t know you.

And why should I?

Isn’t it enough that I am writing?

Do there have to be you?

Are you so important?

Just think about it is it absolutely necessary that you reed this?

Just get angry right now and say, that’s bullshit and close the site and never visit it again!

It will be sad

It will make me miserable because I need you

It is very hard to live without audience. I know that even more than you do.

I will be sad…

Sometimes it feels strange that there is no such word, one single word that says it all. There is no even a word that says a little part of it! How do you express in words what you feel right now? First of all, to express it you need an audience. The kind of audience that would be willing to give you chance to express, the kind of audience that will dig it. It means people who know what you are talking about, people who sometimes feel the same way.

So, you see, I want to reach out to you.

Not that I am lonely.

I actually like to be alone right now, but I still want to know that I can express something genuinely mine and be understood.

No research, no tickets, no stage, no music, but just from under the covers, from out of bed.

If this is possible than anything is possible at all!

Sunday, April 20, 2014


ED. Portrait of Young Woman, 2010, acrylic on canvas 14x44

If this is a practice for immortality then let there be museums

Like tombs for the dead ancestors, museums preserve art for eschatological resurrection

Galleries are for today; they package art for sale.

Preservation is for the soul what sale is for the body.

Humans are reluctant to die

A patron wants to last forever and commissions a portrait

An artist wants to last forever and paints a masterpiece, but it’s not enough. An artist also paints his own little reflection in the mirror in the corner of the patron’s portrait. 
There, that’s better!

Don’t be confused with different schools and styles: like science and religion, art is concerned with the split of consciousness

The amalgam between dualities ever tears us apart.

What are you looking at?

There is nothing there; you know it, why cannot you take away your eyes?

Animals are not preoccupied with their reflection!

Mirrors are for human use only.

How do you want your hair? Like Jennifer Aniston, she is my style model.

Animals are not preoccupied with their style or with their immortality. See the connection?

We recognize that we are mortal when our consciousness reflects on itself.

Perceived death calls for art and religion. Tightly entangled they grow from the split of consciousness.

Modernity has a problem with uncontrolled growth. It fights microbes with medical science and art and religion with groundbreaking theories.   

God is dead!

Art is dead!

Today our thinking is materialistic and art iconoclastic but we send helicopters and submarines to look for remains of relatives because we must bury our dead

Friday, April 18, 2014

An Image

ED Anna, acrylic on Mylar, 36X48, 2013

Awake and not hallucinating, image shapes itself following the rules of common understanding.

Before she is taught, a child doesn’t see in geometrical perspective.

The concept of discerning visual complexity into simplistic scheme of a horizon line with two vanishing points is an invention of the Renaissance, a developmental window in human evolution. The peculiar method of depicting 3-D images on 2-D surfaces introduced people to imaginary trips in newly discovered previously non-existing space. For centuries to come paintings and murals on the walls of palaces and churches and their architecture itself emphasized linear space expansion as the only logical, rational, and realistic way of seeing and protectively avoided anything that might have stigmatized that picture.

It may sound strange, but like the food we eat is capable of changing our digestion, the images we are presented with change our vision.

The world is too complex to process in one glance; simplifications, transformations, descriptions, maps, applied techniques and processes are needed.

Before photography folks had book illustrations to teach the “meaning” of raw material upsetting their senses.

Seeing is not an isolated task. We rely on collectivity and accumulated intellect of all sorts to transfer neurological stimuli into images we can digest.

Before humanity was granted camera objectivities cultures had different visions.

In Renaissance geometrical perspective tunneled vision in isolated directions.

In cosmic architecture of a dome structure space evolved around the center.

Flat characters of Turkish miniatures inhabited the flatness of infinite world.

Reverse perspective of Byzantine mosaics installed mystical practices and paradoxical insights in Byzantine psyche.

How Byzantine mosaic, Turkish miniature, or Renaissance painting represent the same notion of a human being?

One must blindly believe in objectivity of camera distortions to overlook alternative realisms.

Forget the camera:

My eye, my mind, my arm, my thought, my tongue can take me anywhere from here:

1. A Portrait

What is it? Appearance? Truth?

What is a meaning of a face?

Let’s try to change the focus and watch individual features disappear leaving us with a silhouette. I recognize it. It is you, and I, and he, and she, and god: a human shape, an icon.

Cannon’s dead, long live the cannon!

A tribute to the antiquated notion of cannon is its substitution, style.

What is a style but a short-lived cannon?

Style packages raw appearance, unaccounted individualities, unimagined idiosyncrasies to take them to the market.

We march along, I with my brush, you in your make up to pause for couple hours in The Cave, my art studio, to take a break.

We have been waiting for this encounter for our whole life.

Only two hours, and isn’t it too much to take, for you to allow me to look through your brand and for me to allow you to witness my helplessness?

We are two toddlers here, what is your name?

2. A Dream

Where is it coming from? Is it an image or a thought? Who thinks this thought?

What is a meaning of a dream? What worth the meaning I assign to it?
I take a brush to paint a dream. Is there a geometrical or a reverse perspective, a flat infinity or an interior of a sphere? Are all those notions just a mental construction of my helpless awareness?

3. Visual Imagination

Forget about it, its getting old! Aren’t you fed up with the mudflow of imageshit already?

I lost my meaning

I found my meaning but lost the image

I want to talk but something’s stuck in my throat


It was the image. Good thing I coughed it out or it would have killed me from within!

It better grow outside me now

Look, it is huge! I start to walk around but it moves, and rumbles, and rolls to the edge and falls down. It was too close! Why didn’t I take a snapshot? Now it’s all gone forever. 
I am alone and empty
My brush is dry. 


Monday, April 7, 2014

This Is a Portrait

E.D. A Portrait of an Old Woman, acrylic on canvas, 2012, 48X48

A man in me asks, is an image a thought?

A woman in me asks, is an image a thought?

A man in me continues, at least in the way I understand a thought.

A woman in me continues, at least in the way I see a thought.

Is this thought clear?

Yes, it is.

Is this image clear?

I… am not sure.

What does this image mean?

What image is supposed to mean?

A man in me says, let me analyze the image.

A woman in me says, let me emulate the image.

I wait. It is quiet. No one talks any more.

A though appears first vaguely, then it is repeated in a course of clarification, enters discourse until it turns into a cliché.

An image may illustrate a thought and bear its meaning.

An image may appear as a thought, at first vaguely.

Let’s not attach words to it.

It stays vague.

It turns into a symbol.

It becomes familiar.

It ages.

It is still disturbing.

Let’s keep it that way.

What is this image?

This is a portrait of an old woman.

Does it accurately depict the old woman?

She wouldn’t agree that it does.

How it is a portrait then?

It looks like an old woman.

What is there above her cheek?

Yellow patches.


I don’t know.

It is obscure.

It is a symbol

This portrait exists not only virtually
This portrait exists physicaly
Like a pile of shit  


Saturday, April 5, 2014


E.D. Undefeated, 30X50, acrylic on canvas, 2007
You cannot be defeated; your fear is just an anxiety.

You will always be just that: a field of thought, and a bunch of molecules and neither of it will ever disappear except for your fear because it is just an emotion.