Sunday, April 20, 2014


ED. Portrait of Young Woman, 2010, acrylic on canvas 14x44

If this is a practice for immortality then let there be museums

Like tombs for the dead ancestors, museums preserve art for eschatological resurrection

Galleries are for today; they package art for sale.

Preservation is for the soul what sale is for the body.

Humans are reluctant to die

A patron wants to last forever and commissions a portrait

An artist wants to last forever and paints a masterpiece, but it’s not enough. An artist also paints his own little reflection in the mirror in the corner of the patron’s portrait. 
There, that’s better!

Don’t be confused with different schools and styles: like science and religion, art is concerned with the split of consciousness

The amalgam between dualities ever tears us apart.

What are you looking at?

There is nothing there; you know it, why cannot you take away your eyes?

Animals are not preoccupied with their reflection!

Mirrors are for human use only.

How do you want your hair? Like Jennifer Aniston, she is my style model.

Animals are not preoccupied with their style or with their immortality. See the connection?

We recognize that we are mortal when our consciousness reflects on itself.

Perceived death calls for art and religion. Tightly entangled they grow from the split of consciousness.

Modernity has a problem with uncontrolled growth. It fights microbes with medical science and art and religion with groundbreaking theories.   

God is dead!

Art is dead!

Today our thinking is materialistic and art iconoclastic but we send helicopters and submarines to look for remains of relatives because we must bury our dead